Sexaholics anonymous service opportunities exist at a basic level all the way up to international.
Being a sponsor can be a great service opportunity. This is the most prevalent opportunity existing at all times.

even a phone call can be service
Correctional Facilities Committee
Would you correspond with a prison inmate?
The Regional Corrections Committee is looking for sponsors for prison inmates who have asked SA for one. If you’re interested, please contact Neal B at 702-840-4585 or by email at [email protected]. Requirements for being a sponsor are 6 months sobriety, have a sponsor, be working Step 8, and discuss this service with your sponsor. See the full requirements in Sponsorship Guidelines.
Sexaholics anonymous service for each meeting should have an intergroup representative. We also have rotations of the Intergroup Chair, The Treasurer, The Secretary.
Website and Technology
We have opportunities to serve with technology.
Retreat Committee
We host a retreat every other year that our intergroup forms a committee to run.
Sexaholics Anonymous Service Manual:
What Can a Newcomer Do To Get Involved in Service?
Much of what follows is the result of a group conscience that asked the above question and was seeking answers as to how the group and Intergroup might carry the message more effectively to the newcomer. Experience has shown us that doing many of these things will assist the newcomer in establishing a new simple life style which focuses on a desire to stop lusting. Using service as a tool of recovery helps in the removal of obsessive thinking by focusing outside oneself.
Early Days
• Stay sober.
• Join a home group.
• Attend meetings regularly.
• Work the Steps.
• Set out and put away literature before and after a meeting.
• Obtain telephone numbers and call someone instead of acting out.
• Get a sponsor. Give a sponsor an opportunity for service, too!
• Anniversary Meetings––volunteer to set up, breakdown, and cleanup after.
• Attend marathons, help setup and cleanup; prepare and serve food.
• Walk up to an unfamiliar face and introduce yourself.
• Arrive at meetings early for fellowship and participate in fellowship after meetings.
• Attend International conventions; meet other newcomers.